Seniority Authority

A Guidebook for the Aging Journey

Episode Summary

Discover the keys to navigating the challenges and opportunities of eldercare with Joy Loverde, author of 'The Complete Eldercare Planner'.

Episode Notes

Eldercare is a necessary fact of life for many seniors (and their families), but figuring out where to start can be pretty overwhelming. A Google search for “eldercare near me” is probably not going to cut it—so how do you know where to go?

In this must-listen episode of Seniority Authority, we welcome Joy Loverde, a renowned author and authority in the aging industry. As we delve into the essentials of eldercare, Joy shares her valuable insights, drawing from her extensive experience and her popular books, "Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old?" and "The Complete Eldercare Planner".

Discover the intricacies of planning for eldercare and learn how to maintain independence while aging. Joy addresses key aspects of personal safety, home care, and managing health and lifestyle changes. She also discusses coping strategies for overcoming isolation and loneliness, a common challenge in the aging journey.

And because it’s important to think forward, we explore technology's ever-evolving role in eldercare, providing a glimpse into how advancements are reshaping the way we approach aging. 

Links to Joy Loverde's Essential Reads:


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